11. [Skills]Conquer Season 4 – Amazing Top Builds and Skills Revealed

Frozen Orb Sorcerer Build


  1. Primary Skills:
    • Frozen Orb: Main damage-dealing skill. Maximize this skill and its related enhancements.
    • Teleport: Essential for mobility and evasion.
    • Ice Armor: Provides additional defense.
    • Hydra: Offers supplementary damage output.
  2. Passive Skills:
    • Elemental Attunement: Enhances elemental damage.
    • Frigid Breeze: Increases the efficiency of Frozen Orb by boosting mana recovery.

Gear and Items

  1. Weapon:
    • Wand and Focus setup. A wand is preferred for the Lucky Hit Chance to activate Frigid Breeze more frequently.
  2. Helm:
    • Godslayer Crown or Harlequin Crest if available.
  3. Chest:
    • Prioritize mana per second, resistances, and armor.
  4. Gloves:
    • Look for ranks to Frozen Orb, critical strike chance, and attack speed.
  5. Pants:
    • Focus on resistances and armor.
  6. Boots:
    • Emphasize movement speed and cooldown reduction for Evade.
  7. Amulet:
    • Ranks to Conjuration Mastery and critical strike chance.
  8. Rings:
    • Critical strike chance, attack speed, and resource cost reduction.

Unique Items

  • Esu’s Heirloom: Boosts movement speed and critical strike damage.
  • Tibault’s Will: Provides enhanced survivability and damage output.
  • Fractured Winterglass: Key for increasing Frozen Orb damage.
  • Tal Rasha’s Iridescent Loop: Enhances elemental damage.

Gems and Elixirs

  • Gems:
    • Royal Sapphire in weapons for increased vulnerable damage.
    • Royal Ruby in armor for increased maximum life.
    • Resistance gems in jewelry.
  • Elixirs:
    • Elixir of Precision: Increases critical strike chance.
    • Elixir of Advantage: Boosts attack speed.
    • Elixir of Resource: Assists with mana management


Rapid Fire Rogue Build


  • Primary Skills: Rapid Fire, Shadow Imbuement, Dash, and Dark Shroud.
  • Passive Skills: Exploit Weakness, Precision Imbuement, Alchemical Advantage.

Key Items:

  • Weapons: Dual-wielded swords or daggers with high attack speed and critical strike damage.
  • Helm: Harlequin Crest (Uber Unique) for increased defense and offense.
  • Chest Armor: Focus on resistances, armor, and maximum life.
  • Gloves: Critical Strike Chance, Attack Speed, and Ranks to Rapid Fire.
  • Pants: Resistances and Armor.
  • Boots: Movement Speed, Resistances, and Maximum Life.
  • Amulet and Rings: Critical Strike Chance, Attack Speed, Resource Cost Reduction, and Vulnerable Damage.

Legendary Aspects:

  • Aspect of Repeating, Umbrous Aspect, Concussive Strikes, and Moonrise.

This build focuses on maximizing single-target damage with Rapid Fire, using Shadow Imbuement for area-of-effect (AoE) capabilities. The Harlequin Crest is a highly sought-after item for its versatility and power in this build​ (Maxroll)​.

Twisting Blades Rogue Build


  • Primary Skills: Twisting Blades, Shadow Step, Dash, and Shadow Imbuement.
  • Passive Skills: Exploit Weakness, Concussive, and Precision Imbuement.

Key Items:

  • Weapons: Dual daggers or swords focusing on attack speed and critical strike damage.
  • Helm: Harlequin Crest for increased cooldown reduction and overall stats.
  • Chest Armor: High resistances, armor, and maximum life.
  • Gloves: Ranks to Twisting Blades, Critical Strike Chance, and Attack Speed.
  • Pants: Armor and Resistances.
  • Boots: Movement Speed, Resistances, and Ranks to Dash.
  • Amulet and Rings: Critical Strike Chance, Attack Speed, and Resource Cost Reduction.

Unique Items:

  • Condemnation: Provides a significant damage multiplier for combo point builds.
  • Tibault’s Will: Offers damage reduction from close enemies and energy generation.

This build emphasizes high mobility and damage output by using Twisting Blades in combination with Shadow Step and Dash to reposition and maximize damage. It also utilizes the Harlequin Crest for its superior defensive and offensive bonuses​ (Icy Veins)​​ (Maxroll)​.

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offering both free and paid versions.
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Minion Necromancer Build

This build focuses on summoning and empowering minions to deal significant damage.


  • Primary Skills: Raise Skeleton, Golem, Decompose, Blight, and Corpse Explosion.
  • Passive Skills: Kalan’s Edict, Bonded in Essence, and Death’s Defense.

Key Items:

  • Weapons: Wand and Focus with high attack speed, critical strike chance, and minion damage.
  • Helm: Harlequin Crest for increased survivability and damage.
  • Chest Armor: Aspect of Hardened Bones for damage reduction.
  • Gloves: Critical Strike Chance, Attack Speed, and ranks to Skeletal Mage Mastery.
  • Pants: Armor and Maximum Life.
  • Boots: Movement Speed and Maximum Life.
  • Amulet and Rings: Critical Strike Chance, Attack Speed, and Vulnerable Damage.

Legendary Aspects:

  • Aspect of Grasping Veins, Blood Getter’s Aspect, and Exploiter’s Aspect.

This build relies on maximizing the efficiency and damage output of summoned minions while maintaining high survivability through armor and resistances​ (Maxroll)​​ (Maxroll)​.

Infinimist Necromancer Build

The Infinimist build uses Shadow damage and corpse explosion mechanics to deal massive damage over time.


  • Primary Skills: Blight, Corpse Explosion, Blood Mist, and Bone Storm.
  • Passive Skills: Shadowblight, Reaper’s Pursuit, and Serration.

Key Items:

  • Weapons: One-handed wand with Blighted Aspect and Blood-soaked Aspect on off-hand.
  • Helm: Harlequin Crest for additional defense and cooldown reduction.
  • Chest Armor: Aspect of Hardened Bones for increased damage reduction.
  • Gloves: Aspect of Grasping Veins for critical strike chance and damage.
  • Pants: Aspect of Explosive Mist for corpse explosion synergy.
  • Boots: Ghostwalker Aspect for increased movement speed and mobility.
  • Amulet and Rings: Aspect of the Damned, and other aspects enhancing shadow damage and cooldown reduction.

This build leverages Shadow damage and the Blood Mist skill to trigger corpse explosions and maintain high mobility and damage output​ (Icy Veins)​​ (Maxroll)​.

Bone Spirit Necromancer Build

The Bone Spirit build focuses on delivering high burst damage through Bone Spirit skill.


  • Primary Skills: Bone Spirit, Corpse Tendrils, Blood Mist, and Bone Storm.
  • Passive Skills: Rapid Ossification, Serration, and Compound Fracture.

Key Items:

  • Weapons: Two-handed weapon with Aspect of Grasping Veins.
  • Helm: Harlequin Crest for critical hit enhancements and overall stats.
  • Chest Armor: Aspect of Shielding Storm for increased survivability.
  • Gloves: Ranks to Bone Spirit, Critical Strike Chance, and Attack Speed.
  • Pants: Maximum Life and Damage Reduction.
  • Boots: Essence per Second and Movement Speed.
  • Amulet and Rings: Critical Strike Chance, Resource Cost Reduction, and Vulnerable Damage.

VIDIQ site

The VidIQ website is widely utilized by YouTubers worldwide,
offering both free and paid versions.
It features various analysis capabilities including YouTube video idea generation,
YouTube keyword analysis, and YouTube channel competitor analysis, among others.

[go to]https://vidiq.com/btier


Bash Barbarian Build Skills

This build focuses on using Bash to deal heavy damage, often enhanced with Bleed effects for sustained damage over time.


  • Primary Skills: Bash, Steel Grasp, War Cry, Challenging Shout, and Rupture.
  • Passive Skills: Gushing Wounds, Berserk Ripping, and Hemorrhage.

Key Items:

  • Weapons: Dual-wielding a One-Handed Mace and Axe for attack speed and critical strike chance.
  • Helm: Harlequin Crest for increased survivability and cooldown reduction.
  • Chest Armor: Aspect of Bul-Kathos for damage bonuses.
  • Gloves: Paingorger’s Gauntlets for enhanced Bleed damage.
  • Pants: Aspect of Might for defensive buffs.
  • Boots: Yen’s Blessing for increased movement speed and defensive uptime.
  • Amulet and Rings: Critical Strike Chance, Cooldown Reduction, and Vulnerable Damage.

Legendary Aspects:

  • Aspect of the Moonrise, Aspect of Adaptability, and Edgemaster’s Aspect.

This build excels at high-tier Pit and Boss content by stacking Bleed effects and leveraging high critical strike and attack speed​ (Maxroll)​​ (Icy Veins)​​ (Mobalytics)​.

Whirlwind Barbarian Build

This build utilizes the Whirlwind skill to continuously deal damage while maintaining high mobility.


  • Primary Skills: Whirlwind, Lunging Strike, War Cry, Challenging Shout, and Call of the Ancients.
  • Passive Skills: Berserk Ripping, Relentless Berserker’s, and Wrath of the Berserker.

Key Items:

  • Weapons: Dual-wielding weapons for attack speed and damage, ideally with Edgemaster’s Aspect and Dire Whirlwind.
  • Helm: Harlequin Crest for overall stat boosts and cooldown management.
  • Chest Armor: Aspect of Bul-Kathos for increased damage while berserking.
  • Gloves: High Critical Strike Chance and Attack Speed.
  • Pants: Aspect of Might for defense.
  • Boots: Wind Striker Aspect for increased movement speed.
  • Amulet and Rings: Cooldown Reduction, Critical Strike Chance, and Attack Speed.

This build emphasizes continuous damage through Whirlwind while maintaining high survivability with defensive aspects and cooldown management​ (Maxroll)​.

Leapquake Barbarian Build

This build revolves around using Leap to deal massive damage and control the battlefield.


  • Primary Skills: Leap, Ground Stomp, War Cry, Challenging Shout, and Wrath of the Berserker.
  • Passive Skills: Unconstrained, Battle Fervor, and Ire.

Key Items:

  • Weapons: Two-handed weapon with Aspect of Perpetual Stomping and Aspect of Giant Strides.
  • Helm: Harlequin Crest for enhanced stats and survivability.
  • Chest Armor: Aspect of Inner Calm for increased damage.
  • Gloves: High Critical Strike Chance and Attack Speed.
  • Pants: Aspect of Might for defensive buffs.
  • Boots: Aspect of Giant Strides for Leap cooldown reduction.
  • Amulet and Rings: Increased damage to vulnerable and close enemies.






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