9. What are 6 exciting ways to grow a YouTube channel using LEGO?

grow a YouTube channel

9.What are the ways to grow a YouTube channel using LEGO?


If you search for LEGO on YouTube, you can see people of various ages playing with LEGO. There are many people playing with LEGO, such as fathers and sons, college students, and children. However, if you upload videos of LEGO without any ideas, it will be difficult to succeed.

The criterion for the success of a YouTube channel as seen by the author is creating a channel that generates revenue. To operate a LEGO-related channel for a long time, whether it has ten thousand or a thousand subscribers, it needs to generate income.

So, the author will introduce various ways to grow a YouTube channel using LEGO.

  1. Choose One LEGO Theme

There are numerous LEGO themes such as Star Wars, Marvel, Ninjago, and others. It is recommended to choose one theme and create YouTube videos based on that theme.

Popular themes like Star Wars, Marvel, and Ninjago are the best choices.

  1. Produce Many Videos Using Iron Man Minifigures

From the author’s experience, Iron Man is considered a minifigure that records many views. Searching for the Iron Man keyword shows many videos related to Iron Man minifigures, and the views of these videos have increased by over 1,000.

If you have Iron Man minifigures, whether it’s YouTube videos or shorts, having Iron Man minifigures helps increase views. If you want to grow a YouTube channel with LEGO, it is recommended to first buy various Iron Man minifigures.

  1. Custom Minifigures

Instead of ordinary minifigures, you can disassemble parts of various minifigures and combine them to create a new minifigure. These new minifigures are called custom minifigures and can be designed freely according to personal preferences and interests, bringing joy to many.

With various minifigures, you can create wonderful minifigures by using your imagination.

VIDIQ site

The VidIQ website is widely utilized by YouTubers worldwide,
offering both free and paid versions.
It features various analysis capabilities including YouTube video idea generation,
YouTube keyword analysis, and YouTube channel competitor analysis, among others.

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grow a YouTube channel

  1. Build a City

If you have many LEGO pieces, consider building your own city. After building it, you can add buildings one by one or add multiple minifigures to occasionally create news about the city and upload them as videos.

This way, the entertainment value will gradually increase, resembling a LEGO exhibition.

  1. Room Tour


If you have LEGO displayed in your room, showing it in a room tour would be appreciated by subscribers. It would be even better if you regularly conduct room tours every six months or a year under the assumption of consistently purchasing LEGO. Personally, I enjoy watching LEGO room tour videos from time to time.

Simple Editing Utilization It is not recommended to shoot and upload videos directly. It is better to shoot at least 2-3 videos and edit them together before uploading.

This has the effect of making the videos more interesting to watch.

For example:

  1. LEGO Unboxing
  2. LEGO Review
  3. Conclusion

If you shoot videos in this sequence and edit them together, it will become more interesting, depending on how you make them. For editing, it is recommended to learn only basic transitions, especially for children.

Finally, I will share a list of YouTube channels related to LEGO that I occasionally watch.

A Star Wars-themed YouTube channel This channel exclusively creates videos with Star Wars LEGO.

A LEGO channel run by a British YouTuber

A famous YouTube channel that I watch occasionally.

These three YouTube channels are ones I stumbled upon while searching for LEGO on YouTube, as I have a keen interest in LEGO. This list offers creative LEGO ideas and could be immensely helpful in growing a YouTube channel.

I hope this article has been helpful, and I wish you all the best in acquiring a channel that can generate revenue for you.

VIDIQ site

The VidIQ website is widely utilized by YouTubers worldwide,
offering both free and paid versions.
It features various analysis capabilities including YouTube video idea generation,
YouTube keyword analysis, and YouTube channel competitor analysis, among others.

[go to]https://vidiq.com/btier





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